When this comes out how many people are gonna play it like an A-list game on Live? I hope this becomes the first XBLA game with a well-populated multiplayer, it's gonna be amazing playing this online! Ah, nostalgia.....
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When this comes out how many people are gonna play it like an A-list game on Live? I hope this becomes the first XBLA game with a well-populated multiplayer, it's gonna be amazing playing this online! Ah, nostalgia.....
It probably won't come out anytime soon. Something between Nintendo and M$link the article announcing it, because I have not heard a thing about it
[QUOTE="TaxAndDeath"]It probably won't come out anytime soon. Something between Nintendo and M$ um Nintendo doesnt own the rights to goldeneye...Rare does...which microsoft owns.but nothing has been announced to if it will come to XBLAlink the article announcing it, because I have not heard a thing about it
[QUOTE="Statutory_AP3"][QUOTE="TaxAndDeath"]It probably won't come out anytime soon. Something between Nintendo and M$ um Nintendo doesnt own the rights to goldeneye...Rare does...which microsoft owns.but nothing has been announced to if it will come to XBLAlink the article announcing it, because I have not heard a thing about it
Nintendo Published it so they have the rights for it
A long time ago in a Galaxy far far away, Goldeneye was announced for the XBLA and a screenshot was even posted of what it would look like. However because Activision owns the James Bond liscense, Microsoft and Rare ran into trouble there, and they also had a dispute with Nintendo, so the thing never came through.
Were getting Perfect Dark 64 with revamped graphics so its just as good.When this comes out how many people are gonna play it like an A-list game on Live? I hope this becomes the first XBLA game with a well-populated multiplayer, it's gonna be amazing playing this online! Ah, nostalgia.....
[QUOTE="RebornInFlames"]Were getting Perfect Dark 64 with revamped graphics so its just as good. Aha OK this is what I read about for some reason my brain converted PD to 007. But anyway what I said goes double for original Perfect Dark. Thanks for the memory jog Trmpt!When this comes out how many people are gonna play it like an A-list game on Live? I hope this becomes the first XBLA game with a well-populated multiplayer, it's gonna be amazing playing this online! Ah, nostalgia.....
Yea for sure im gonna buy it when it does come out but nintendo is putting up a fight with microsoft why can't they just both sell it and get it over with it maybe Nintendo can leave as is a N64 dowload and microsoft can update the game adding online and maybe updateing the graphics
[QUOTE="RebornInFlames"]Were getting Perfect Dark 64 with revamped graphics so its just as good. It's better.When this comes out how many people are gonna play it like an A-list game on Live? I hope this becomes the first XBLA game with a well-populated multiplayer, it's gonna be amazing playing this online! Ah, nostalgia.....
[QUOTE="Trmpt"][QUOTE="RebornInFlames"]Were getting Perfect Dark 64 with revamped graphics so its just as good. It's better. FarSight & Slayer Rocket Launcher FTWWhen this comes out how many people are gonna play it like an A-list game on Live? I hope this becomes the first XBLA game with a well-populated multiplayer, it's gonna be amazing playing this online! Ah, nostalgia.....
it won't ever happen.
its a licensing nightmare
activision owns bond license, nintendo will get upset if it doesn't come out for them, activision doesn't want to lose nintendo, sony owns the pictures rights so they have a say, activision don't want to upset them sony either, Rare owns the code i believe.
it will never happen
if it does, it will be on Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3
it almost happened once before, Reggie of Nintendo of America was ok with Wii getting the original on VC and 360 getting a revamped version on XBLA with online
but then Nintendo Pres Iwata wisely said he didn't want that to happen, and thus it didn't. (why would you allow the superior version on another platform?)
i'd honestly rather see it using Wii motion plus for controls.
Yea for sure im gonna buy it when it does come out but nintendo is putting up a fight with microsoft why can't they just both sell it and get it over with it maybe Nintendo can leave as is a N64 dowload and microsoft can update the game adding online and maybe updateing the graphics
but then nintendo would get stuck with the inferior version
its MS that should compromise and allow NIntendo to have the update version as well
yeah, this isnt coming out, probably ever. i believe nintendo owns the rights to the game so before you disrupt the forums like this, check your factsmattg90520
yea the topic title alone makes ppl believe
i'd love to see it, but thinking about how impossible it is depresses the gamer in me
Goldeneye Source is a Half-Life 2 mod(that means for the PC).I coulda swore I put that in my earlier post. I doubt that that would get on XLA.The game is called GoldenEye: Source
Goldeneye Source is a Half-Life 2 mod(that means for the PC).I coulda swore I put that in my earlier post. I doubt that that would get on XLA. Lol I was searching for the wrong game my bad, for get what I said.[QUOTE="newb16"]
The game is called GoldenEye: Source
Here you guys go http://kotaku.com/344084/xbla-goldeneye-was-real-nearly-done-now-deadbronxxbombersexactly. its stuck in legal limbo
Tax and Death is absolutely right. Nintendo published it. They have all rights over the game. Picture this, you have a job at a store(you = Rare). You make a product for you boss (boss = Nintendo). A friend of yours walks into the store and tries to buy the product for half the price, thenplans toresell itfor a profit. Your boss hears about this and gets upset thinking this might take people away from his store and tells your friend that he can't buy the product. (and yes, a boss can refuse any customer as long as their reason(s) do not involve race, religion, etc.) :D
P.S Nintendo will never alow this. Also, Nintendo has tried to make this a Virtual Consol game (Wii's version of the Xbox arcade) but couldn't because both need to agree. However, what Nintendo and MS should do is have Goldeneye a Virtual Consol game and Arcade game or just leave it alone (even though it is my favorite game in history and always will be). And lastly, if you really want to play Goldeneye so bad, just plug in the 64, and if you don't have one, you could probably buy one (with the game) for less than it costs to run your computer to complain. :)
this wont happen and shouldnt happen ,
nintendo owns the rights to the n64 ,
nintendo and rare worked on this game ,,
rare also sold the whole 007 license to ea- who ironically made goldeneye rogue agent-that alone should be your wake up call , ,
and ea sold it to activision , , see how ea used goldeneye , , they would have gotten sued by rare if theyd own the license,
but they did not, ,
so yet again , ,
also since the original team left rare to make timesplitters /freeradical which then became crytek , ,
is no longer part of rare- so i wont count on them developing any game with quality perfect dark would be the only one because well they better, or else,
just face it , goldeneye if it ever came out belongs on the wii , vc
as the original form , rare cant alter somthing they sold,
-and they did , , quantum of solace had facility in it ,-that level was from the goldeneye movie and game ,
if rare owned that game still , -wouldnt you think theyd sue already,
if any thing rare should be sued after they used facility in perfect dark zero ,,
that alone is wrong, using a 007 franchise level or scene , ,
in a game for which doesnt even consist of it , ,
and after they sold the right to make any 007 related stuff,
so you be lucky your getting perfect dark on xbla, i personally think it should get on the virtual console , instead of being messed with ,
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