Release Date: Was releasing on the 31st of March... got delayed untilearly next month.
Price: 1200 MSP.
About Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition:
In the land of Zenozoik, the city of Halstedom is ruled by a powerful Clan, one which Ghat has betrayed by committing a terrible sin. Now, Ghat's brothers and sisters are pursuing him and his companion Deadra through strange and twisted lands, beyond the boundaries of the sane to the ends of the world. What was Ghat's crime and why did he commit it? The bare-knuckled brawl to reach the truth has just begun.
The Ultimate Edition of the highly praised PC game Zeno Clash has received an overhaul that includes combat rebalancing, interface enhancements, improved animations, new modes, and new gameplay content, including a new cooperative mode.
Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition Trailer
Key Features:
Fascinating world of grotesque beauty:
Equal parts breathtakingly beautiful and utterly disturbing, prepare to be swallowed up in a surreal fantasy world powered by the Source engine. Explore lush environments and confront bizarre animal-humanoid foes on your mission of discovery and redemption.
Corwids Trailer
Visceral first person fighting:
Combat is up close, personal, and entirely satisfying. Start with a series of punches, kicks, and grabs, follow up with a knee to the enemy's face, and hit him with a finishing move to send him flying yards away. Learn new moves to mix it up. Guns and melee weapons offer additional power and tactical options.
Gameplay Trailer
New Attacks Trailer
New Weapons Trailer
New cooperative play modes:
Enlist a friend to take on enemy waves in Tower Challenge, a special survivor mode that offers additional replayability beyond the single-player campaign. Play cooperatively online, or locally via split screen. With leaderboards to rank you against your friends, the challenge never ends!
Co-op Challenges Trailer
Well I'm excited for it, how about you guys? The PC game was praised as an artpiece with an extremely fun combat system. With the new tweaks that have been made in addition to the all new split-screen AND online co-op mode, this looks to be a must buy.
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