Hi everyone, just seeing if others have experienced ongoing issues where you put in a dvd or xbone game and it says cannot read disk put in an xbone game or dvd?
This was happening with my console for 2 months ongoing. After 5-6 attempts and waiting a couple of minutes before ejecting the disc and inserting again it would work, with other times it having the above message or not reading the disk at all.
Microsoft told me a potential work around "setting - network - mac and other - clear and restart. Then disconnect everything for a minute, restart and settings - dvd and disc drive - clear persient files. Apparently this has worked for people but did nothing for me. I bought the extended warranty from a store so they let me change it over, didnt have to go to MS, however now my new system is doing the same thing. Are there any tips people use for loading discs or could lightning have struck twice with my consoles?
Was enjoying the system and I understand launch issues, but kind of cut it wont read discs.
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