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I wrote up a petition to order Microsoft to lower the price. In short, I (and from what I understand the Xbox Community in general) feel that the 120gb Hard Drive is overpriced. Considering that the larger drive will be used for downloadable content Microsoft already makes a ton of money selling/renting, I believe that even if they sell the 120gb hard drive at a loss, they would still be making money on it. But I'm not asking for the drive to be $80 or somthing like that, just that it's reasonable. I'm sure my fellow 360 owners agree that $180 is absolutely too much for a 120gb hard drive, but for $120 (even though some would still consider it overpriced) is much easier to swallow. If you agree with me, please click the link to my petition and give it a read, and if you still agree, sign it. Thanks.dude thats dumb. It is not over priced. Look at the 20gb that is over priced but not the 120gb. That is actually a good price.
They are both overpriced, my friend. Personally I believe that MS should just phase out the 20gb drive and make the 120gb, standard. Look at the memory cards, the 64mb one is 39.99 while the 512mb one is 49.99, only a $10 difference for 8 times the space. If MS treated the memcards the same way they treated the HD then the 512mb card should cost about $80, not $50. Best case would be to lower the price of both the 120gb to $120 and the 20gb to $80.mraltoid19Dude quit complaining and get a freakin job. It's called buissiness man, their out to make money. Plus is you look at hard drives the external HDD is always a lot more the internal. Just grow up get a job buy it and stop complaining. If you don't want to pay that much then don't. Steal one or just shut up and don't get one.
It's because of weak minded fools like you, that our country is going down the crapper. Those who refuse to stand up against injustice deserve the tyranny they receive.
 Also, I make more than enough money with my computer repair bussines. I live in a half million dollar house and drive a brand new Acura TL-Type S. I'm looking out for those around me, maybe you should start thinking about someone but yourself. I pray for you.
Son, there are a lot more thing to complain about then the hard drive on a game console. I am not weak minded, I just get tired of people complaining about stupid stuff when there is bigger fish to fry. I don't like the price of the PS3, but am I complaining no, I have a job. I am saving my money up. I want a Viper which cost about $80,000 do you see me making a petition to make the bring the price down to $50,000, no. I have a life and far more important thing to complain about then the price of a measly little hard drive.
It's because of weak minded fools like you, that our country is going down the crapper. Those who refuse to stand up against injustice deserve the tyranny they receive.mraltoid19
My friends, just remember.
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned.When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
Mark TwainÂ
Oh so your all about the American way? A true Patriot, you are. Complaining about a hard drive price, Tell you what, there's a "war" going on. Since your such a "Patriot" go join the military, then you will have something to gripe about.My friends, just remember.
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned.When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
Mark TwainÂ
Can you say "getalife"? Wasting time on such a frivolous thing is ignorant. Microsoft does not require you to buy a 120GB drive, nor do they care how much you have to spend to get one. They are out ot run a business and are doing a respectable job at it. All this coming from someone who supposedly lives in a $500,000 house (and isn't just a disgruntled gamer in his mom's basement, yeah right...) should know a thing or two about running a business. Shouldn't you be working?My friends, just remember.
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned.When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
Mark TwainÂ
[QUOTE="mraltoid19"]Can you say "getalife"? Wasting time on such a frivolous thing is ignorant. Microsoft does not require you to buy a 120GB drive, nor do they care how much you have to spend to get one. They are out ot run a business and are doing a respectable job at it. All this coming from someone who supposedly lives in a $500,000 house (and isn't just a disgruntled gamer in his mom's basement, yeah right...) should know a thing or two about running a business. Shouldn't you be working? See now this person knows what their talking about. Which is the same stuff I have been saying all alone. OH BTW I never said the war was a good thing. I think its stupid. And you know I would be more then happy to be in the military but I can't join. AND why would you wish the draft on someone?My friends, just remember.
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned.When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
Mark TwainÂ
Yes, I do know how to run a bussiness, but I am also a moral person, that is why I have a loyal customer base. If I charge say $450 to set up a wireless network in someones house, and my customers would revolt and go somewhere else. The problem for them is geographically I'm the only game in town, so I could charge absurd prices, but I don't because it's immoral. You can see, how immoral bussiness practices are hurting industries. PS3 forcing bluray on consumers is costing them the console war, GM lowering the quality of their vehicles years ago cost them the #1 spot in the auto industry (did you know Toyota was #1 now). Intel producing slower chips with a high Mhz rating(in effect lying to the consumer, there was a class action law suit against them) cost them about %5 of the market to AMD. I study not only gaming but several industries. I could smell a bad bussiness practice from a mile away. I'm not saying they shouldn't make money, they absolutly should. But they should not charge such a high price, especially if the consumer doesn't have the option to easily add their own custom Hard Drive. (BTW thats what I did, its not easy, but I used the same Hard Drive I got for the PS3 and modded it for the 360) Follow the link if you want to make your own 360 120gb hdd.
heres the link were to buy the Hard Drive (notice I'm the last person to review the Hard Drive He He)
 Funny how both my PS3 AND 360 now have the same hard drive :)
And before I read any "If you already have a 120gb hard drive why did you make a petition". I did it for those around me who aren't as tech savvy as me and for those who can't afford the overpriced HDD that MS offers.Â
[QUOTE="mraltoid19"]Oh so your all about the American way? A true Patriot, you are. Complaining about a hard drive price, Tell you what, there's a "war" going on. Since your such a "Patriot" go join the military, then you will have something to gripe about.My friends, just remember.
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned.When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
Mark TwainÂ
Yeah, cause fighting this "war" is surely patriotic.:roll:
Just so you know though.... If your system messes up it won't be under warranty any longer. I'm not saying there's any thing wrong with you doing it, but just a heads up.Yes, I do know how to run a bussiness, but I am also a moral person, that is why I have a loyal customer base. If I charge say $450 to set up a wireless network in someones house, and my customers would revolt and go somewhere else. The problem for them is geographically I'm the only game in town, so I could charge absurd prices, but I don't because it's immoral. You can see, how immoral bussiness practices are hurting industries. PS3 forcing bluray on consumers is costing them the console war, GM lowering the quality of their vehicles years ago cost them the #1 spot in the auto industry (did you know Toyota was #1 now). Intel producing slower chips with a high Mhz rating(in effect lying to the consumer, there was a class action law suit against them) cost them about %5 of the market to AMD. I study not only gaming but several industries. I could smell a bad bussiness practice from a mile away. I'm not saying they shouldn't make money, they absolutly should. But they should not charge such a high price, especially if the consumer doesn't have the option to easily add their own custom Hard Drive. (BTW thats what I did, its not easy, but I used the same Hard Drive I got for the PS3 and modded it for the 360) Follow the link if you want to make your own 360 120gb hdd.
heres the link were to buy the Hard Drive (notice I'm the last person to review the Hard Drive He He)
 Funny how both my PS3 AND 360 now have the same hard drive :)
And before I read any "If you already have a 120gb hard drive why did you make a petition". I did it for those around me who aren't as tech savvy as me and for those who can't afford the overpriced HDD that MS offers.Â
[QUOTE="mraltoid19"]I wrote up a petition to order Microsoft to lower the price. In short, I (and from what I understand the Xbox Community in general) feel that the 120gb Hard Drive is overpriced. Considering that the larger drive will be used for downloadable content Microsoft already makes a ton of money selling/renting, I believe that even if they sell the 120gb hard drive at a loss, they would still be making money on it. But I'm not asking for the drive to be $80 or somthing like that, just that it's reasonable. I'm sure my fellow 360 owners agree that $180 is absolutely too much for a 120gb hard drive, but for $120 (even though some would still consider it overpriced) is much easier to swallow. If you agree with me, please click the link to my petition and give it a read, and if you still agree, sign it. Thanks.dude thats dumb. It is not over priced. Look at the 20gb that is over priced but not the 120gb. That is actually a good price.
Yea $180 is mad cheap.
I bought 14 of them to give to my Mexican friends.
I ended up going bankrupt the next day. :P
[QUOTE="mraltoid19"]They are both overpriced, my friend. Personally I believe that MS should just phase out the 20gb drive and make the 120gb, standard. Look at the memory cards, the 64mb one is 39.99 while the 512mb one is 49.99, only a $10 difference for 8 times the space. If MS treated the memcards the same way they treated the HD then the 512mb card should cost about $80, not $50. Best case would be to lower the price of both the 120gb to $120 and the 20gb to $80.RandellGDude quit complaining and get a freakin job. It's called buissiness man, their out to make money. Plus is you look at hard drives the external HDD is always a lot more the internal. Just grow up get a job buy it and stop complaining. If you don't want to pay that much then don't. Steal one or just shut up and don't get one.
 Man you need to lighten up. He is right the price for both hard drives and the 64MB memory card is just highway robbery. Some people on here have argued the point that an external drive cost more than an internal, which is true; however the there are 500GB external drives that sell for around $200 now days. Ok - so those standard size hard drives, not the hard drive you find in a laptop or the 360. Still the point is simple to make that they are very over priced and while I see where you are coming from about getting a job and paying for it - it will not make me change my mind on WAITING until the price is reasonable. PERIOD
 P.S. remember these could be 10 year old kids you are writing these posts to and you are not setting a very good example by telling them to "steal one", "shut up", and so on.
dude thats dumb. It is not over priced. Look at the 20gb that is over priced but not the 120gb. That is actually a good price.[QUOTE="RandellG"][QUOTE="mraltoid19"]I wrote up a petition to order Microsoft to lower the price. In short, I (and from what I understand the Xbox Community in general) feel that the 120gb Hard Drive is overpriced. Considering that the larger drive will be used for downloadable content Microsoft already makes a ton of money selling/renting, I believe that even if they sell the 120gb hard drive at a loss, they would still be making money on it. But I'm not asking for the drive to be $80 or somthing like that, just that it's reasonable. I'm sure my fellow 360 owners agree that $180 is absolutely too much for a 120gb hard drive, but for $120 (even though some would still consider it overpriced) is much easier to swallow. If you agree with me, please click the link to my petition and give it a read, and if you still agree, sign it. Thanks.
Yea $180 is mad cheap.
I bought 14 of them to give to my illegal alien friends.
I ended up going bankrupt the next day. :P
Wow I wish I could break out 2,520. I would have bought me a PS3 and a Wii. :pI'm speechless... It is topics and posters like this (along with the irate fanboys) that make me think twice about coming to these boards. Your arrogance is spewing from my computer screen at the moment. I just can't control it, please make it stop! You do realize that Microsoft has lost millions upon millions of dollars bringing their astounding consoles to your home right? Even with their supposed "immoral" pricing on their accessories (that are gobbled up mind you). I'm glad you have played it safe with your supposed business, in your supposed .5mil house. Just to let you know, I'd side with Microsoft's PR, Marketing, and Distribution Departments any day before I would bat an eyelid at your business strategy. They have managed to make many services and items go beyond a mass market status, even with their "unjust" strategies. I don't believe you have done the same, therefore your voice in this area is to be taken with less than a grain of salt. Regardless of how many people sign your petition, nothing will change. For every person that signs another buys the drive at its current price, making all those who signed void. I am ashamed that I have actually contributed to your topic, giving you what you want... attention. I'm done. You can use this as a response to any other response you post since you keep singing the same tune.Yes, I do know how to run a bussiness, but I am also a moral person, that is why I have a loyal customer base. If I charge say $450 to set up a wireless network in someones house, and my customers would revolt and go somewhere else. The problem for them is geographically I'm the only game in town, so I could charge absurd prices, but I don't because it's immoral. You can see, how immoral bussiness practices are hurting industries. PS3 forcing bluray on consumers is costing them the console war, GM lowering the quality of their vehicles years ago cost them the #1 spot in the auto industry (did you know Toyota was #1 now). Intel producing slower chips with a high Mhz rating(in effect lying to the consumer, there was a class action law suit against them) cost them about %5 of the market to AMD. I study not only gaming but several industries. I could smell a bad bussiness practice from a mile away. I'm not saying they shouldn't make money, they absolutly should. But they should not charge such a high price, especially if the consumer doesn't have the option to easily add their own custom Hard Drive. (BTW thats what I did, its not easy, but I used the same Hard Drive I got for the PS3 and modded it for the 360) Follow the link if you want to make your own 360 120gb hdd.
heres the link were to buy the Hard Drive (notice I'm the last person to review the Hard Drive He He)
 Funny how both my PS3 AND 360 now have the same hard drive :)
And before I read any "If you already have a 120gb hard drive why did you make a petition". I did it for those around me who aren't as tech savvy as me and for those who can't afford the overpriced HDD that MS offers.Â
Dude quit complaining and get a freakin job. It's called buissiness man, their out to make money. Plus is you look at hard drives the external HDD is always a lot more the internal. Just grow up get a job buy it and stop complaining. If you don't want to pay that much then don't. Steal one or just shut up and don't get one.[QUOTE="RandellG"][QUOTE="mraltoid19"]They are both overpriced, my friend. Personally I believe that MS should just phase out the 20gb drive and make the 120gb, standard. Look at the memory cards, the 64mb one is 39.99 while the 512mb one is 49.99, only a $10 difference for 8 times the space. If MS treated the memcards the same way they treated the HD then the 512mb card should cost about $80, not $50. Best case would be to lower the price of both the 120gb to $120 and the 20gb to $80.joejoe160
 Man you need to lighten up. He is right the price for both hard drives and the 64MB memory card is just highway robbery. Some people on here have argued the point that an external drive cost more than an internal, which is true; however the there are 500GB external drives that sell for around $200 now days. Ok - so those standard size hard drives, not the hard drive you find in a laptop or the 360. Still the point is simple to make that they are very over priced and while I see where you are coming from about getting a job and paying for it - it will not make me change my mind on WAITING until the price is reasonable. PERIOD
 P.S. remember these could be 10 year old kids you are writing these posts to and you are not setting a very good example by telling them to "steal one", "shut up", and so on.
I know but first them kids should be in school. Then second the reason I say steal one is because where I live that's how everybody gets their stuff. I work at Wal-Mart I have see everything from 32in HDTVs to Preparation H get stole[QUOTE="mraltoid19"]Can you say "getalife"? Wasting time on such a frivolous thing is ignorant. Microsoft does not require you to buy a 120GB drive, nor do they care how much you have to spend to get one. They are out ot run a business and are doing a respectable job at it. All this coming from someone who supposedly lives in a $500,000 house (and isn't just a disgruntled gamer in his mom's basement, yeah right...) should know a thing or two about running a business. Shouldn't you be working?My friends, just remember.
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned.When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
Mark TwainÂ
 "Getalife" Come on people if no one stood up for things they saw as wrong - where would the world be? We already allow way to many things in the world today, just because most of us are sheep and go with the flow. This dude is standing up for something he believes in - so stop bashing it. Now, I agree Microsoft is a business and out to make money and that is all fine and great. If I ran a company I would want to create a Monoply and make as much money as I could. I don't hold that against MS. The consumers are the ones that are ignorant. They go out and buy a 360 Elite when they already have a premium (which IMO looks better). I need and want the bigger hard drive and will wait till the price drops. I don't want an Elite and unless the color changes or they make a new and improved one. Blah blah blah - I have to stop wasting time at work reading these posts now and go to lunch. Anyway, regardless of what you people say $180 for 120GB of space is not a good deal, but compared to $99 for 20GB of space it is. Perhaps those of you that see this as a good deal have been influenced by this???
 P.S. I seriously doubt the petition will reduce the price - only time and lack of sales will affect the price.
[QUOTE="joejoe160"]Dude quit complaining and get a freakin job. It's called buissiness man, their out to make money. Plus is you look at hard drives the external HDD is always a lot more the internal. Just grow up get a job buy it and stop complaining. If you don't want to pay that much then don't. Steal one or just shut up and don't get one.[QUOTE="RandellG"][QUOTE="mraltoid19"]They are both overpriced, my friend. Personally I believe that MS should just phase out the 20gb drive and make the 120gb, standard. Look at the memory cards, the 64mb one is 39.99 while the 512mb one is 49.99, only a $10 difference for 8 times the space. If MS treated the memcards the same way they treated the HD then the 512mb card should cost about $80, not $50. Best case would be to lower the price of both the 120gb to $120 and the 20gb to $80.RandellG
 Man you need to lighten up. He is right the price for both hard drives and the 64MB memory card is just highway robbery. Some people on here have argued the point that an external drive cost more than an internal, which is true; however the there are 500GB external drives that sell for around $200 now days. Ok - so those standard size hard drives, not the hard drive you find in a laptop or the 360. Still the point is simple to make that they are very over priced and while I see where you are coming from about getting a job and paying for it - it will not make me change my mind on WAITING until the price is reasonable. PERIOD
 P.S. remember these could be 10 year old kids you are writing these posts to and you are not setting a very good example by telling them to "steal one", "shut up", and so on.
I know but first them kids should be in school. Then second the reason I say steal one is because where I live that's how everybody gets their stuff. I work at Wal-Mart I have see everything from 32in HDTVs to Preparation H get stole lol That seems to be a way of life for Walmarts across the Nation. The one up the street has TVs walk out all the time... wow Well anyway man - yeah if it is a kid - they should be at school. lol
[QUOTE="mraltoid19"]Can you say "getalife"? Wasting time on such a frivolous thing is ignorant. Microsoft does not require you to buy a 120GB drive, nor do they care how much you have to spend to get one. They are out ot run a business and are doing a respectable job at it. All this coming from someone who supposedly lives in a $500,000 house (and isn't just a disgruntled gamer in his mom's basement, yeah right...) should know a thing or two about running a business. Shouldn't you be working?My friends, just remember.
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned.When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
Mark TwainÂ
"getalife" hahaha
 this coming from someone posting about video games on a forum
 $180 is overpriced even for an external laptop hard drive, you can get one for under a hundred
that being said, who really cares? whatta u guys need a 120 gig drive in your 360 for anyways? you can stream all your media from your computer, and who really needs 50 demos on their system that you can only play for 15 min anyways
MS knows that people think $180 is too expensive. It has been all over the internet. Major Nelson even discussed the price on his podcast.
Petitions are so stupid. Why is it that suddenly everyone and their mother is starting petitions for everything and anything?
Well they wont have a lack of sales because if people really want it they wont care how much it cost. That just means they have to work a little harder to get it. Also no one ever said he (?) was wrong for standing up for what (he?) thinks is right. That's a good thing, but it's like I said there are more important things he could do. Like tell Bush to bring home the troops. RandellG
 That is a matter of opinion on what one deems more important. Personally, I think we need to stay over there clean up as much as we can and then come home - instead of repeating history, go over there, hang out a bit, spend a bunch of money, and then come back and wait 10 years for it to all blow up again. Who knows maybe it was all a internal job, or maybe it wasn't. Maybe the Mayans are right and something major with happen in DEC of 2012. We've all heard "history repeats its self", "what comes around goes around", and "if we don't learn from our past we are bound to repeat it again", but I say conflict is a natural part of us as a species - we will never be able to live in complete peace - never. Ok so that was rather random and off topic, but oh well - these boards always seem to tie into politics and meaning of life type of stuff anyway.
MS knows that people think $180 is too expensive. It has been all over the internet. Major Nelson even discussed the price on his podcast.
Petitions are so stupid. Why is it that suddenly everyone and their mother is starting petitions for everything and anything?
 I think they are doing this or the movement has started because of the people that have done it and have actually gotten results... Who knows!?
If you bought just a regular 120Gb laptop harddrive as the same speeds as 360s harddrive it would cost about $130 still 360 is $180 what does the outer case that snaps in the 360 cost $50 to make.gamer4life85No. $130 for a 120GB drive is overpriced too. You can find these drives all day long for under $100. I bought a Seagate 160GB SATA drive, for my MacBook, about 3 months ago for $145. That was a good deal then. Now that drive is around $110. The outer case costs very little to make, way less then $50. I would guess (educated guess) that the entire set, including packaging, everything considered costs MS about $50 - $75 per unit tops. When you consider that they have to sell it to the distributors and distributors sell it to retail stores, everyone is making money on the outrageously priced drive.
You and I both know that a mere petition to Microsoft will do absolutely nothing. NOTHING. This is the real world guys, do you think people honestly take the time to look at a petition and base their buisness decisions on it? No they don't. Infact, they probably laugh at people who petition on this kind of subject. If you honestly wanted a 120GB HD that bad you'd pay what ever it cost to get one in your hands.
If you bought just a regular 120Gb laptop harddrive as the same speeds as 360s harddrive it would cost about $130 still 360 is $180 what does the outer case that snaps in the 360 cost $50 to make.gamer4life85
 The fact is MS wants to make all the money selling all they can to their gamers, otherwise they would've made the system to take any brand 2.5. It's the way it is, accept it.
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