Hell, Sam Fisher could take on Solid Snake and do just fine imo. Master Chief and Delta Squad from Gears would mop everyone else. Man when you get to thinking about it, Xbox really doesn't have many mascots to choose from...so lets make a list..I'm talking about all the exclusive Xbox characters like Nintendo has Mario, Zelda, etc. and Sony has Kratos, Ratchet & Crank, Solid Snake, etc. so here we go:
Master Chief & Arbiter (w/ Cortana, of course)
Delta Squad (Marcus, Dom, Cole, Baird)
Sam Fisher (he will only be on Microsoft consoles for his next game)
Banjo Kazooie
Your Fable guy (can this even count?)
Agent (from Crackdown)
Commander Shepherd (from Mass Effect, though from the looks of things he dies in ME2)
Tim (from Braid, that's his name, I believe...)
Those whores from Dead or Alive
The knights of Castle Crashers
and the ODST's from Halo. That's about all that I got...not good.
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