so ive had this problem for about a week and a half/two weeks now, and the problem is my graphics are fuzzy/blurry/pixleated. I know its not the games because i have tried four different games both on disc and installed on my xbox, and still the graphics look like this. I bought one of the new "slim" xbox's back in september due to the fact my old one dies. So does anyone know what is causing this? the dashboard looks the same, but when i play a games its blurry on almost everything but the character I am playing. Ive looked all over the internet and couldn't find anything on this. Id this is xbox error? I had e74 on my last xbox, but that was blue lines going across the screen. So does anyone know what this could be or does anyone else have this problem? I am using a samsung 1080p, connected via, HDMI and everything is hooked up/connected right. The tv settings are good too. Any help would be much appreciated
Put it on 1080i and all your problems are solved, and make sure you put just scan or overscan to ON. That's because the xbox 360 and PS3 are not 1080p native it's just upscaled.
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