Does this 360 have the HDMI?FALCON CHIP?
Well im going to purchase a 360 off ebay, and the seller says he bought it before christmasand i wanna know if i should do it?Premium w/GEARS,HALO3,BIOSHOCK,GUN for a fair price....Should I do it?
if its a good price and he really did get it for xmas then it should still be under warranty so yeah thats a good library as games as well
I got one of those, it does have HDMI, but it has the Zephyr motherboard, not the Falcon. Zephyr does not have the 65nm CPU like the falcon, but it has a better cooling system and it doesn't have the problems with the bad solder and the x-clamp that the original 360 had, I have had mine since december and it works great.
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