I would personally like a rebuild of Rainbow Six 3!!! I loved that freakin game on my XBOX and it runs like horse doo on the 360. That was the game that got me addicted to LIVE and competitive multiplayer. I disliked the Vegas ones for their cover system and in depth load out crap. I liked how in 3 everyone had the same selection options and freedom for their load out. Wanted 3 slots of frag grenades? Yep you could. Now in Vegas? Nope. There were no unlockables, everyone had the same options, and all guns were full auto. You had to feather the trigger to get single accurate shots, not this new crap where you basically have to hold down the trigger to kill someone. I love Call of Duty but even as great as its multiplayer is, it is still easier and faster to aim for the body and squeeze the trigger than it is to aim for the head.
Ah Rainbow Six 3 - When Headshots meant something!!
I also wasn't a fan of the introduction of Team Sharpshooter in Black Arrow either. It works well in games like Halo and Call of Duty, but took the Strategy and competitiveness out of a game like Rainbow Six. When you died and had to wait for the next round, it made you think more and work with your team more IMO. Now every man is for himself and is more worried about their ratio than their team winning. So I would like a rebuild of Rainbow Six 3 – BEFORE it started trying to be like the rest.
Rainbow Six '3'60 would be awesome!!!
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