I'd buy it if it was touch screen only. There are some genres that work very well on touch screens, TBS, RTS (to an extent), RPGs (turn based), Point and Click, Puzzles, Racing, and some others (platformers)
But obviously people would want the type of home console games like COD and Halo on it, and those can work with touch screen only, just they'd have to be dumbed down (also I don't think you could fit enough on screen buttons for a halo game on a touch screen only)
That being said, I'd still buy it for the likes of Hexic, Black & White, Forza, Joy Ride and other non-Halo Xbox titles that I could see working well on a device with minimal buttons
I honestly can't see anything working on it aside from stadegy games, RPGs, puzzle, maybe racing, and any point and click games, and even most of those could benifit from abutton or 2. And these aren't enough to support a whole system I think, if they are going to release a portable system, buttons are neccessary I think.And there is no way you can make an FPS without buttons unless it's on rails. How would you be able to freely move in all directions? It's just impossible. Switching weapons and such could be on screen buttons to tapI guess, and you could shoot by taping the screen, but you need to be able move forward, backward, side to side, and turn.
You can do all of that already on the dozens of well reviewed FPS on iOS
I was saying how I can't see Halo working out, because it needs a lot of buttons, too many to put on screen (Jump button, then a shoot button, a melee button, a grenade button, a button to switch types of grenades, a crouch button, etc.
But the COD Zombie games and others work well, if not slower and easier, on my iPod
I'd except this on a portable Xbox, but if there was a portable xbox with buttons I'd like collapsable LT/RT
Like RT and LT Triggers that pop out when the system is opened (like a slide up screen) and then when you close it (Slide screen down on top of bottom portion like a lot of phones) then they collapse into the corners of the system, like a holder for them.
Honestly, an Xbox branded touch screen device running a modified WP7 is probably the closest we will get to a portable Xbox, and with some sacrifices I'd except this. If it played a lot of XBLA games, like Snoopy Flying Ace, Stacking, Super Meat Boy, etc then I'd be down even if it lacked shooters
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