This may be old news but it is not why I am posting it, well not entirely.
I just wanted to pick it apart a little, for starters at least 4 of those are me 5 if you count the joke account I made to make fun of a friend so the real number would be 11,999,996. Now it is safe to assume that by now most of us have created alt account to download things from Japan and EU or US depending on where you live, so let's knock that down by....I will be generous and say a third 7,999,996. Now how many do you think are actually actively used lets chop off another million 6,999,996.
Not done yet 'cos it doesn't really count as a full fledged Live account unless it is a gold account so off goes another 2 million or so and that is low balling.
So to my esitmate there is only about 4,999,996 active and gold Live members.
Just to re-enforce this, how many accounts do you have gold and/or silver, active /inactive.
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