My friend recently bought an Xbox 360, but doesn't have broadband internet at the moment. He wanted ot purchase a few games on Xbox live, so he brought the console over to my place, used my broadband connection to purchase a few games and even played them while the console was at my house
My friend said though when he brought his console back home he could not play 3 of the 4 games he downloaded, they all said trial verson. Apparently, if you are not connected to xbox live, you can not play the games you purchased, they all show up as trial games asking him to unlock the full version. This seemed odd, but I confirmed this by disconnecting my system and noticing a bunch of my games now said trial version.
I can understand if these games were solely multiplayer games, but they aren't. I know this is not a issue for 95% of xbox 360 games out there, who like me, have broadband and are connected to live everytime you turn your 360 out. But I am not a big fan of this, having to be connected to live to play games you already paid for AND downloaded. In my friend's case, he is screwed until he gets broadband.
Orf course this is years and years and years down the road. But there will be a days when xbox live service will discontinue on the 360, and if you every wanted to go back and replay some of these classic game you downloaded from live, you wouldn't be able to.
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