When I signed up for Xbox live a while back, I saw a drop in my gamerscore, by about 250 or so points. I didn't really think much of it and presumed I must have just been mistaken about how many points I had before But recently I was playing a bit of two player Juiced 2, a game which I hadn't played in months, but was the only racing game I had to hand with 2 player offline mode. And realised it was from here my achievements had disappeared all that time ago. It was one of the first games I had for the 360, and although it wasn't very good, I still rinsed it and finished all the leagues. Now about 18 months on, my Xbox profile says that I have completed all League 5, 6 7 events, yet seemingly have not been promoted to any of these leagues. THIS LINK SHOWS THIS (VIEW JUICED 2 ACHIEVEMENTS) When I got some better games, and stopped playing Juiced 2, I had about 500 points from it, but now only 235. I'm not really bothered about achievements and am hardly going to lose any sleep over it, but just thought it was really strange.
Just wondering if it's happened to anyone else, because if it's some underlying problem with my profile or some glitch then I wanna know incase it goes on a mad one, trying to buy marketplace things etc
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