Can I do this? Could I just hook up a cable running from my laptop to my xbox? and could i use both at the same time or would i only be able to use one at a time. BTW my laptop uses a wireless connection from my computer downstairs. I wish they still had that xboxlive topic stickied but oh well. any help?
Yeah you could do that and I think you can use both at the same time.
But you'ld have to bridge the connections. Highlight both the LAN and the wireless connection, right click and click bridge connections. That should work.
yeah i guess so i mean i could cause problems having it run through two computers wireless but all you have to do is enable the pc to share the internet connection with your 360 and it should work
All you have to do is gon into wireless network settings and check the box that allows you to share the internet connection (at least in Windows XP). You can use both at the same without a noticable performance hit.
yeah, there is a way showign you how basically you go to your network and share the connection. I tried doing that at my friends last night and for some reason the conneciton didn't work even though i followed direcitons and it said the network was being shared. So i just ran the 50 foot cable through the house..
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