Hey there!
First and foremost, I love this website and my XBOX. Been an avid fan since I first had the black concrete block of a founder system :) I still have it somewhere, though its more or less a polished ornament now. But I was on my dashboard the other day looking through my friends when a thought occurred.
Like a brick falling amongst a shower of pillows. Seriously. (Ow dude)
I have a lot of friends, it sure would be nice If I when I went down that list and highlighted their name, that I could make a short note. No more than thirty characters this memory aiding update would require! Then I would know who I knew in real life, who I met while saving the world (or destroying it) and who I friend-ed just to help out later.
Groups of friends would be awesome too. As would a larger friends list. But seriously. "Friend notes" is the goal for this post.
How hard could that programming be?
Below is a crude attempt to draw my xbox friends list :)
--------------------------------------------------- (While highlighted going through friends)
Presidentman Gscore: 99bagillion
(This is thirty characters here)
---------------------------------------------------(Unhighlighted name)
Presidentman Gscore:99bagillionand1
---------------------------------------------------(highlighted etc)
Otherguy Gscore 12234
(Karl from work!)
Whenever the gamertag was highlighted in the friends list, it would expand to show the note.
Is this so unreasonable?
(Please excuse all mishaps in spelling, sentence structure, and grammar.)
(reposted from: http://forums.xbox.com/30523949/ShowPost.aspx AND http://forums.xbox.com/30511757/ShowPost.aspx)
Lets show Mircosoft we want some actiiioon. If you like the idea of course.
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