So here's how it happened.
Ive moved house this mounth, so I needed to change my details. after a few weeks a sign came up when I tried signing into live, that said something about not having the correct credit card details to renew my membership for when it next runs out(and definatley did not say anything about me having to pay it again) so I changed it to fit. the thing is at the begining of Novermber I brought a one year subscription for £39.99 (I live in the uk) but anyway when I got my bank statement there was a charge on there for another year when I still had 10 mounths left! So I'm wandering
1) why has this happened
2) what should I do about it (e-mail, phone someone (if so could you give me the number if you know it, bearing in mind I live in the uk) e.c.t)
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