well this is a commedy thread so whatever. *power buttin pushed* *vrmmmmvrooovroooooooom *getting as loud as a chevy chevelle* *revving sound as the xbox logo apears* *red ring of death begins and ends and gears of war 2 starts up* *WAAAAAAAAAHHHH VROOOOM VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM *STRANGE SOUND LIKE A BACKFIRE* *ITS A GIANT WORM A GIANT *inadible due to the xbox revving so loudly* well now its a rant so please microsoft put a carborator on that thing. i know they cant hear me but im pissed as they sent me an xbox that apperently has a hemi engine in there since my original one busted which was from 2007...
well this is a commedy thread so whatever. *power buttin pushed* *vrmmmmvrooovroooooooom *getting as loud as a chevy chevelle* *revving sound as the xbox logo apears* *red ring of death begins and ends and gears of war 2 starts up* *WAAAAAAAAAHHHH VROOOOM VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM *STRANGE SOUND LIKE A BACKFIRE* *ITS A GIANT WORM A GIANT *inadible due to the xbox revving so loudly* well now its a rant so please microsoft put a carborator on that thing. i know they cant hear me but im pissed as they sent me an xbox that apperently has a hemi engine in there since my original one busted which was from 2007...jeremy78940
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