[QUOTE="NicAgent"] you stuipd troll... haha yeah HD-DVDs dont need HDTVs to work but my theory is that they will take advantage of the capability and make small objects like text nearly impossible to read on an SDTV (maybe read-able on an EDTV) but i rest my case that the more content that is put on a game disc the longer its gonna take to develop it but it is true that more content could be quite benefitial since many xbox 360 games lack depth, but unless they can convert games currently in dev't to this new format we wouldnt start seeing such games until around 2011 or soTimothyB
What are you talking about. Using an HD-DVD has nothing to do with taking advantage of making small objects. You do realize HD-DVD is just a name, it's still just a data disc, nothing at all to do with HD until you put HD videos on it. DVDs hold 9gigs, HD-DVDs hold 30gigs, it's just storage, that is all. Just because they have extra space doesn't mean some how it's going to be more HD than it's already right now with DVDs. So you do realize DVDs games are HD, right? And that games like Dead Rising already have small text that people can't hardly read on SD tvs, and that's just a bad decision by the developer, nothing to do with the media.
Yes, the more space, the longer a game can be. But a lot of games can already be longer on DVDs. Some are already bland enough to where the short game time can get boring near the end, who wants more of that. It's just up to the developers to spend more money on their games. I mean once you have the textures and models alreardy there, it doesn't take too much data to create another level or unique events. I'd say extra space might help add variety in materials and such, but overall they can develop pretty quickly if they want with just a larger staff, not 5 years. Artists can turn out amazing work fast, often way at photorealistic quality models and textures that are then lowered to work for the game. I think the biggest issue of time is the gaming engine, AI, animation, physics, and what makes the game work, not the artwork.
There's also no way they'd switch to HD-DVD. The PS2 already had a DVD drive in it, and the games at launch didn't need the DVD storage, not like when finally chose to release games on DVD that suddenly it was a whole new process and people had to upgrade, it was planned from the get go. If you say HD-DVDs would make a longer game, but take longer to make, ultimatly costing more, no studio would ever do it because they'd know not even 1/4th of 360 gamers would bother to buy the HD-DVD add-on. I mean even PC gamers complained that they would not want games released on DVD since they felt it was a waste to even spend $40 on a DVD drive just for games when they don't watch movies on their computer (back when dvd burners cost more). They'd rather have games still come on 7 cds in paper slips with no way to store them. Finally though, they started to release some games like Unreal Tournament 2004 on a special edition DVD for some people to choose, instead of the stack of CDs.
ok i get it now
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