Well I cannot use my 360 controller on my PC until the buttons are mapped And I have no idea how to map the buttons so as of now (9 1/2 hours later) I stil have no working 360 cotrller and no instructions on how to go about mapping the buttons.
Sorry, but I am going to say that, this so called easy to use program isn'e easy to use at all in fact it is overly complex and I need someone to explain how you map the buttons to the controller.
Until this is explained in an understandble fashion, then I stand by what i said, because no one is going to tell me to use a program then not explain the proceedure for using it, then keep telling me it works.
So at this point I have come to the conclusion that all the people who said this works, but refuse to explain have not actually used it and are just saying they did to try and aggravate me
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