Because the game just blows..i went to a friends to watch him play it. I figured event if it was an Oblivion ripoff..well saints row was a rip off of GTA..but still good. So i went over watched the first minute..then started to procede laughing for the next 30 mins at how horrid it is.
Perhaps itz already writing ... they gave it a horrible rating and review ... and they're seeing if 2K wants to pay for a better one ... itz like a horrible song that u constantly hear on the radio ... they pay to keep it in rotation ... y not do that for games??? pay for a good review, or atleast a better review if the games THAThorrible, and like that they have some hope in moving SoMe units rather than none ... ITZ A CONSPIRACY!!!! :P
Well, the game is supposed to be 100+ hours. So, the reviewers need time to play through the game. I have the game sitting at my place but haven't had the chance to play it.
I've heard from somone else after making this thread myself that the review is taking longer than usual because of the online aspect of the game. Which i'm sure is a big part. I'll probably be buying this game.
Well, the game is supposed to be 100+ hours. So, the reviewers need time to play through the game. I have the game sitting at my place but haven't had the chance to play it.ashuncc2
damn rely thats rely long i proly wont get it if its that long.
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