All the big CoD Youtube commentators got it early and have been posting 1st impressions. They are basically saying the following:
Camping is minimal.
Lots of gun-on-gun action.
Maps are smaller and generally promote close quarters or midrange gun fights.
Not a lot of camp spots on each map, so less rooms, elevated towers or buildings, and what not, than there were in previous CoD games.
Not much elevation at all, so everyone is usually on the same plane and you won't find yourself constantly looking up into windows where people are headglitching.
Way less BS than MW2 (noobtubes suck now, knifing is nerfed in comparison to MW2, etc...).
Assassin is an overpowered perk.
Sounds like it'll be a lot better than MW2, but MW2 was broken and pretty bad imo, so that doesn't say much. I am excited by how much they are saying it plays fast-paced and gun-on-gun like MW1, though.
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