what i'm saying is that one of the guys specifically said "forge world was originally 5 different maps" does that mean that it takes up as much space on the disc as 5 maps, meaning that there will be less maps?
What i'm saying that if "only" 16 people can play in that map, it'll be so big that it would take far too long to find somebody. I see what you're saying that you can make borders to limit people, but isn't that a waste of space? there have got to be at least 24 plyer matchs in that map, otherwise it'll just be boring and slow.
i'm sure that bungie know what they're doing though:)
I'd say you're thinking about this the wrong way. Its not a 'map', necessarily, but a huge playground to work around in to create your own levels. Players can choose to turn it allinto a playable map, but anybody who uses the full area will probably find their maps not very fun to play on, unless they create some fun game mode to go specifically with it.
The best maps will likely be smaller, closed-off ones where players wont wander around for ages not finding any other players. Also, using the whole space means you'll probably run out of resources(or money, in this game's case) pretty quickly trying to make meaningful edits to all the world's areas.
I think a lot of people are gonna learn this lesson the hard way, after spending hours and hours and hours mastering their creation, only to find after they're done that its simply too spread out and its not fun to actually *play* in a competitive match.
It'll also make it more tempting to use the whole area because its *there* already. At least in a game like Far Cry 2, their map editor gives a massive space to work around in, but it starts out completely blank, emphasizing that you can create a map as big or as small as you like.
if thats the case, then thats a bit of a dissapointment. It'll be like sandbox all over again, when alot was wasted space.
tbh i think that bungie are going to anounce 2o or 24-player macthes.
Nope, they specifically said they are sticking with 16 players. They said they toyed with the idea of increasing the player cap early in development but then decided against it for whatever reason.
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