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The auto-kill ability is great and the target circle seems like it could be interesting but I haven't found the right scenario yet.
My two complaints are the awful, annoying, bad anime characters and voice acting and much of the display and text is too small. There is plenty of blank space on the screen to fill, why do they need to make me squint?
I will probably ending up buying it just because I am a jrpg fan and would like to support developers taking a chance on Microsoft.
It felt to me like the game had absolutely no soul to it. Didnt find it very fun and I cringed at the dialogue.
However thats just my opinion, you can feel free to disregard it.
i thought it was fun while it lastes..characters were stupid like you said but im not buying it because i know i would get bored of it fastmother_farter
Same here
Nope i just didnt like it. Im a huge RPG fan aswel.
Eternal Sonatra was wayyy better. Il be picking that up instead.
Im hoping to hear some news on a new "Tales Of" game, on any console, as they have the best battle systems.
[QUOTE="kevy619"]i agree, the demo wasnt that great because everyone was so overpowered and the enemies were so weak.slinky6Indeed, the real game will have a nice, customizable job system, it will be fun. But many people got turned off by the demo, so they'll never know.
I agree, the demo had its share of problems but so did the Forza 2 demo...the actual game is nothing like the demo what so ever. I'm looking forward to BD and will be picking it up after Bioshock.
[QUOTE="mother_farter"]i thought it was fun while it lastes..characters were stupid like you said but im not buying it because i know i would get bored of it fastrulo_rezn0r
Same here
Same for me too. I guess I'm not into JRPG's. But I did like Eternal Sonata and might get it.[QUOTE="mother_farter"]i thought it was fun while it lastes..characters were stupid like you said but im not buying it because i know i would get bored of it fastrulo_rezn0r
Same here
Same for me too. I guessI'm not into JRPG's. But I did like Eternal Sonata and might get it.If anyone is curious about the plot. There is an anime series that has been out for 3 months now. The game is about going on a quest to round up the shadow spirits to take on the evil BeBe or DeDe some stupid name. the series is a comedy that action. The main character is the weakest of them all and because he has the legendary dragon as his shadow he must help save the world. I don't fell like goin any further into the story it is pretty good so far.
I was excited about this one till I tried the combat. It went from "I may buy this" to "No chance I'm buying this" in about 30 seconds. Thank god for demos. I just don't care for JRPGs... but was willing to give BD the benefit of the doubt because I like the art style. It just goes to show you looks can only take you so far, and that if the gameplay isn't fun, the game won't be worth your money.
Not that I don't see it's appeal. Just saying what I think... not trying to change anyone's mind on it or anything.
I don't like the idea of every character has access to all classes. It makes the shadow less unique. And some of the skills seem the samemagicalclickName me a game with a job system that didn't give all character access to all classes. The framerate's better in the full game as well.
what do u expect ha? Hironobu Sakagutchi is the designer&scenario writer
hails FF staff members
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