Mine R-
-Fallout 3
-Battle Stations Midway
-Halo Wars
-Halo ODST
-Rock Band
-L4D2--Left 4 Dead 2
In no particular order.
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Going down least to greatest, well they're all great but the more down you go is better.
10) Star wars: battlefront 2
9)Star wars KOTOR
8)Mechassualt 2; lone wolf
7)Halo Trilogy and Halo wars
6)Red Faction: Guerilla
5) Borderlands
4) Supreme commander
2)Star wars: battlefront
1) Star wars: republic commando
In the order of which they come to mind.
- Fallout 3
- Resident Evil 5
- Elder Scrolls :Oblivion
- Call Of Duty: MW
- Lost Planet
- Call Of Duty 2
- Skate 2
- Gears Of War 2
- Halo 3
- Bioshock
10. Borderlands
9. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
8. Assassins Creed II
7. Fable 2
6. Gears of War
5. Gand Theft Auto IV
4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
3. Halo 3
2. Fallout 3
1. Bioshock
in no order
Mass Effect
CoD 4
Fallout 3
Fable 2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
1. Dragon Age Origins
2. Lost Odyssey
3. Tales of Vesperia
4. Brutal Legend
5. Mass Effect
6. Star Ocean The Last Hope
7. Last Remnant
8. The Orange Box
9. The Darkness
10. GhostBusters The Video Game
In no particular order...
-Halo 3
-Prince of Persia
-Batman: Arkham Asylum
-Brutal Legend
-Sonic Unleashed
-Soul Calibur IV
...and I can't think of other ones. I've only had my 360 since last August....
1. Fallout 3- The most immersive game I have ever played. I love the world, story, combat. It is perfect imo.
2. Halo 3- I have poured more hours than I care to admit into this game. Great fun with friends.
3. Call of Duty 4- Great innovation in one of the best gaming franchises.
4. Gears of War 2- Improved the first in almost every way. Faster matchmaking and it would be perfect.
5. Batman Arkham Asylum- It is the Dark Knight of video games. Just great all the way around.
6. Oblivion- Sooooo much to do in his game, and it is fun the whole way through.
7. Mass Effect- Probably the best told story on the system. I wish it would put more emphasis on exploration though. That is why it is behind Fallout and Oblivion.
8. GTA 4- Come for the excellent story, stay for the mayhem.
9. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2- Very fun campaign and spec ops. What more can you ask?
10. Ghostbusters- What a surprisingly good game. Fun combat and funny story with the original cast! A fanboy's dream!
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