So I've returned to the GS forums in recent months, where I was once a regular (and actually one of the original mods on this version of the boards), and in the intervening years, I've become a YouTuber where I do...really a lot of the things that I posted about here on GS back in the day.
The channel is Little Akiba Games for those interested, largely focused on retro, import, emulation, and Switch, but I occasionally dip a toe into FGC content from time to time when there seems to be an appetite for it. As the visual style implies, I'm trying to position myself as something of a modern-day Banzai Chibi-Chan for those of you who read PSM back in the day. My favorite thing to do with my channel is introduce people to games that they never would have heard of otherwise, and end up loving as a result of the exposure.
Glad to be here!
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