Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the whole youtube side of social media but recently I have been trying to get my head around the marketing, editing processes. All I'm asking is are there any tips and tricks to make the job a little easier for someone who feels like they've been thrown in at the deep end. This is also needed as I was just about to do some filming on "Hatred" and my PSU decided to blow out. So now I have probably a week of no pc gaming so I thought id try and advance through youtube.
Right a quick run down on how I'm filming. I started using xsplit gamecaster but the lack of making your webcam box small was really annoying me so I purchased Action. I film the audio and video on the same MP4, but in the back of my head I know I should be doing them separately. I then send them over to my mac and edit them through Imovie. Thats essentially it.
Thanks for taking the time to have a look at this post anyhow :)
Cheers lads
Ps: Mr Morvi is my channel, im not spamming my thing across the place, it just kinda underlines what I am doing at the minute and such.
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