What is the easiest way to watch 360 videos on YouTube, not in VR mode (using VR headset) but using 360 turning on monitor or T.V., tablet, phone, if my device needs an update to see this feature?
Why would you want to do this? So you want to use a headset but control the tracking from another device while being in non-vr mode? That's impossible.
What I am saying is, the videos can be viewed with the headsets in VR mode yes. But, they can also be viewed on YouTube website and apps in just 360 view by turning the circle up in the corner of the screen, for viewers that happen not to have a headset.
My PC and PS4 Pro allows this, but my T.V. and tablets say the device must be updated to view 360 videos, is there a way to update these devices easily or only certain devices allow it?
I see, I just did the YouTube update that I was ignoring on my tablet. Also, the scrolling circle is not needed, you just move the screen itself by pressing and moving it (which actually works better) then the circle. Thanks for the info!
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