Forza makes a return and while not much better than the first, its still a solid racer.

User Rating: 8.5 | Forza Motorsport 2 X360
The original forza was easily one of the best racers to come out not only on the xbox but of all time. Now here is the sequel and its a pretty solid game actually. The game isnt much better than first, but it still a good racer. The gameplay is good but not as realistic as they say. The cars handle good but not perfect. Each car handles some what different but not much. The graphics are very nice but only if you have a full 1080p TV. The game will still look pretty good on a 720 but just not as good obviously. The car models are great. Each car looks like how they are supposed to look like. Though the tracks dont look as great. The sound isnt very good but its not horrible. The cars sound fairly well and could be alot better. There are alot of things to do in the game. There are over 200 cars to unlock, plus the tons of game modes there are. Then there is online which is surprisingly solid. The game does lack in tracks but that doesnt hurt the game much. Overall Forza 2 is a great game though could have been better. If you liked the forst one there is no reason why you shouldnt like this one. This game plays very similar to the first. If you hated the first one then this one wont change your mind unfortunately. If you a fan of racing this just might appeal to you. I have to say its not worth the full price of 59.99 but if you like racing then you should check it out because there is a high chance that you might actually like this game unless you hated and didnt like the first one.