Makes me Wanna go and Steal a CAR!!
User Rating: 9.1 | Forza Motorsport XBOX
Wow,ive played gran turismo games before and got excited about driving since im only 15,and well they were great.But Forza Motorsport just brought my excitement up,its graphics are clear n real,the gameplay is easy with the colors(red=use break,green=go)they really help if your not so good at these type of games,the options r great including the online play,its like need for speed underground combined with gran turismo,wow just great and very addicting game,Youll be playing for years.Dont rent before buying,go get it now,not a rival to granturismo..not clone of granturismo..its better than granturismo...another reason to buy a xbox.Put down granturismo or any other car racing game and pick up FORZA MOTORSPORT TODAY!