So much to do

User Rating: 8.3 | Forza Motorsport XBOX
Forza Motorsport is better than Gran Turismo. Argument solved. The racing is better, it is more realistic, there are customisations available. It truly is a hardcore racing title. Now I'm not usually a racing game fan. I do like the more arcadey racers, such as Burnout, but the simulations are lost on me. Usually. Luckily, I was willing to give this one a try. And so should you. Let's start on the single player. You start off, like all racing games, with an average car. And, like all racing games, you have to race to earn money to buy new ones. So far, so unoriginal. However, the real revolution is in the gameplay. Never before has a racing game been so realistic. Everything from acceleration, handling and gear ratios is done exactly like it would be in real life. This gives the gamer a great experience which really is second to none. The customisation is terrific, allowing for some truly spectacular car art. This moves us onto the online game. This is also fantastic. The racing in Forza sometimes gets a bit dull, as it would do with most simulations. The ability to go online truly changes this. You will meet car-nuts from across the globe, all willing to sell you their created cars and race you. This is a great way to buy new cars without completing the lengthy (but brilliant) single player mode. Just keep on earning respect and winning money by beating everyone in your path in the races. Then take your winnings and buy a Halo 2 designed car from the guy you just beat. This really adds to the sense of realism. So then, we've got the good stuff out of the way-now are there any problems? Well, yes. This isn't perfect. The racing can become quite dull. Apart from the initial push and shove at the start of the match, the winner usually always has a healthy lead. Also, crashing into other cars is frowned upon. For people like me who have a tendency to go Burnout style this is a bit annoying. Many a time have I crashed into someone only to have been booted out of the game, or whined at for the entire race. However, if you want a solid, if slightly tiresome racer, then this is the game to buy. But if your a bit of an arcade racer nut, then you might want to look elsewhere...