overall ... a great game that's addictive and fun
- great sounds, although it seems that the volume is higher in newer DLC packs
- great graphics considering it's an xbox360 game
- lots of fun and addictive
- while the game is sub par compared to some other games in many SIM aspects, the sheer number and variety of cars makes up for it
- playing it on easy and/or medium difficulty makes game too easy, while playing it on the highest difficulty makes it too difficult
- "clean lap" is a ridiculous concept and it can't be taken seriously coming from the developer whose AWD conversion errors make 40-year old junksters beat Ferraris, BMWs, etc.
- unfair and unrealistic AWD advantage makes lots of cars undesirable, specially those that cannot be converted to AWD (T10 may have turned itself into the AWD Church :)
- ridiculous upgrades that span for many classes -- this was suppose to be the fun factor as T10 was thinking, but it actually robs the game of any reality-based simulation
- brown-nosing relationship between the developer and VW/Audi empire -- these cars overperform by all means
- misrepresentation of performance of many car manufacturers (Ferrari, Aston Martin, Bentley, etc.) whose cars perform poorley compared to, say a 40-year-old Datsun 510 .. lolz
- huge AWD conversion errors that results in creation of "supercars" that remains unaddressed by the developer and is abused by "glitchers" (see the LB for proof)
- prices of some cars are way too high for a casual gamer to obtain them
Overall, a great game that's addictive and fun. You'll be disappointed if you expect a SIM, because this is T10's fantasy land populated by their magical and wishful thinking in which Golf beats Ferrari every time, BMWs are no match for an old Datsun, and all RWD are nothing but fishtailing boats. So, take it as a SIM and the game sucks, but take it as a a regular non-reality-based game and it's lots of fun. Overall 8.3/10.