FPScreator works as advertised. A non-programmer can use intuitive and simple graphical user interface to create games.

User Rating: 9 | FPS Creator PC
It works as advertised. Non-programmers can use intuitive and simple graphical user interface to create games.

The Game Creators website offers plenty of add-on art packs that include community made characters, items and structures to make interesting games. There is an active community forum with helpful members and the company supports users improving and updating the game editor. They have been releasing updated versions for free to registered owners (information true as of 2011) and the latest version (119 ?) is suppose to have improved support for multiplayer and better graphic abilities for larger outside landscape levels. And there is support for 3rd person shooters and RPG type gameplay.

There are 3rd party tools which help you to add your own art work and custom made meshes/textures (characters, weapons, etc) to the game editor.

You will want to be sure to watch the tutorial videos in order to have a good start and better chance of making the game you want to. There are videos listed on the website as well as user made videos on the internet.

It's worth checking out. Do not expect to be able to make a AAA title game in just a few hours. Start out with a small game level and see what you can make with FPScreator.