Good graphics are crushed by repetitive environments and good shooting is wiped out by cliche in this derivative shooter
Now the story is intresting, but unfortunatly the gameplay is sadly lacking one thing: creativity. Fracture is as derivative as the word can be. It has shooting mechanics taken from shooters like mass effect/mass effect 2, and cover systems taken from titles like gears of war/gears 2 where your health regenerates while you hide. Now, plently of games take mechanics from each other; the game "dark sector" borrows heaviily from gears of war and resident evil, but adds in its own innovative powers to give itself a name. However, fractures environments and the things it didn't pick up from other sources are boringly repetitive and not worth spending 8 hours or so on. Now you do have your own cool power, which is the ability to raise or lower the ground to get up on ledges or under walls. However it is completly under-used and the abilities repetitivness becomes just another thing you groan at as it becomes less and less entertaining.
This isn't a game broken with glitches or bugs and the combat is fun, despite being cliche. I think a player will form their opinion of the game in an hour or so, and they will either like it or hate it. Either you will fall asleep from the bland repetitivness, or keep going all the way to the end, and have a good time. Either way, the game is definitly worth a rental for anyone because who knows which category you'll fall in?