Ok we all have heard that well Fracture isn't that fun kinde of a downer and boring well all that is wrong It's amazing
User Rating: 8 | Fracture X360
I have heard some bad things said about this game that I say is just not true. Fracture is a refreshing game to me that challenges and delight es when played. The game takes place in the near future when global warming finally happens I know already sounds boring hu well just listen. Ok ya global warming takes place but innovation in tera-forming technologies save us and launch us into a new age, but also splits the country into two factions and you guessed it your one of those factions. The alliance located on the east coast is you were people like technological enhancements and live in a peaceful relation ship under a democracy. On the west coast were I live well is the bad guys the faction there likes genetic enhancements and is more of a rebellion. long story short you don't get along and go fight in a civalwar. Fracture has some cool environments the game mostly involve you shaping the landscape to your advantege. By using your gun you can raise and lower the landscape cool right. If there is and enemy in front of you and you need cover raise the dirt in front of you for a nice safe wall or make a trench to hold out fire, but the fun part of this is after the fight seeing this smooth nice plain of dirt become a screwed up pile of crap and just laghing at what you did. The guns are cool to from rocket launchers to vortex grenaids you can %#&@8 up the land. There also is problem solving involved to using the ground to rais switches bridges and other things takes brains and brawn. I almost forgot the game is in third person but that doesn't make it a bad game it makes it diffrent and chalangeing. Now online it ok and I say ok becuase for me it's hard to fined a match, but when you do you can play with the same people and never have to search for a new game. The levals are cool large areas of dirt cover the landscape makeing it fun and crazy to controle I like makeing a gient wall to stop people from getting my flag or team.
After the battle the landscape is almost unreconizable it's amazing. I recomened this to some one to just have fun and play for once go on give it a try I know you will like it.