People are under-rating this game. This is a brain teaser for those looking for a challenging puzzle game...

User Rating: 10 | Frantix: A Puzzle Adventure PSP
Frantix, though the title "Puzzle Adventure" is very misleading, it turns out to be one of the quickest loading all in one puzzle game. No story, no fillers, no unnecessary content to get in your way. Frantix is a simple, no hassle, brain teasing Puzzle Game for the on-the-go gamer.

Frantix takes all the old-school elements of the block pushing, problem solving days that older gamers today played in thier youth. It's got a very nice visual tune, and a few new ideas that were inspired by other puzzle games that don't fall under those block pushing, key placing days.

Solving levels is not an easy task after your initial set of starter levels to get you going. Each level is packed with a Gold Gem Time, meaning, there is an efficient way in solving levels in a matter of seconds. Knowing the solution is one effort, but getting the Gold Gem, is something else. Just getting the timing down and receiving that reward, is very satisfactory as a puzzle gamer. It might sound simple, but once you get hooked, ambition kicks in, and your few minutes have become a few hours.

Frantix, though built in a 3D environment, is still played on a grid represented by small white dots that don't get visually in your way. Characters are moved in an up, down, left and right manner. As you collect gems to reach the quota to exit levels, the total amount of gems you've collected will keep on unlocking levels and new worlds. Just in case you get stumped, you can work your way to another level and start fresh.

The controls are extremely simple, but as much as they are simple, modern gamers do have a learning curve with the controls. Movement in the game might seem sticky, or unresponsive, but after a few hours of gameplay, players are adjusted, and begin to understand the grid like nature of the worlds.

Though there is not much of a reward system, it is a personally challenging game. Every World Theme in the game is based in a dream like environment and are nicely decorated and appealing. The 185 levels do not get boring after the first 20-30 levels, that are there to help players understand the game itself by introducing new ways in solving and understanding the variety of levels.

Frantix also has a decent set of ambient electronic music, and fun popping sound effects. The only exception are the characters who make sounds like: ouf, ah, eh, etc; when running into walls. These can get a little annoying for some players. And you do run into a lot of walls.

Frantix is strictly a on-the-go puzzle game. It's nothing out of the ordinary, it's a retro-modern game for puzzle fans. Play it for yourself for a few hours, and see if you don't get hooked. You will either end up liking the game, or hating the game, no where in between.