highly underated
omg i love this game i dont know where to start... lets begin
graphics: first off the cutscenes are great they may be a little on the short side but they are still hilarious, the in game stuff also look good nothing special but good and i like the character design's so graphics:1/1
sound: this is one the highlights of this game, the voice acting fits the characters perfectly and the soundtrack contains some of my favorite song's in video game history... in my opinion anyways songs like torpedo run uber tank of doom, pilot x and the theme of the game called freaky flying game so sound 2/2
gameplay: this is the deciding thing its a racer so theres the usual stuff but the big thing is that your not driving a car your flying a plane, when you start you have 6 options adventure race mini games special wich ill get to later and options
ím gonna sum each mode up.
adventure: the story goes like this, you get a cutscene explaining
adventure: the story goes like this, you get a cutscene explaining who the character you chose is then a race, then a cutscene with your character messing up or around with either 1+ characters or the narator, then another race then a emergency call from a fortress needing help against some bandits then you play the minigame banditto attack, then you get a newspaper article style cutscene from a news paper designed after the nationality of you character, then it goes like this race cutscene race cutscene intestinal track news article race cutscene race cutscene torpedo run news article race cutscene race cutscene then final boss fight with pilot x.
race: just your basic versus mode and time trial mode.
minigames: in this you can well play the minigames im gonna detail them here.
banditto attack: your mission is to destroy 7 banditto respawn points i mean bases each base is guarded by 2+ gatling guns you can destroy them and it is recommended both for points and survival reasons, and if your low on healt shoot the chicken on the fortress.
intestinal track: don't worry you're going through the bloodstream not the intestines anyway you see that guage thats going down thats your oxygen to keep it up pick up the oxygen bubbles the only thing worth noting is the fork in the road halfway through the upper path is shorter but the lower path has a health pack that'll recover half your health.
torpedo run: your mission is to sink every ship in this ocean except the aircraft carrier you start out at, first up is 3 basic ship's and 1 sub, now to destroy anything you need a torpedo, you can get one from your carrier or fom one of the blimbs around here but just stick to getting them from the carrier for now pick up a torpedo and to fire it you need to do a loop (down + triangle) or an immelman (r1 l1 down + triangle btw when i say down i mean pulling the analog stick back) now the subs can be a threat if you want to hit them while their submerged get close to it then fire or you can chose to wait til it rises slightly then fire if it gets to fire a torpedo of its own then try and shoot the torpedo with your machine guns (x) next up is 4 basic ships now the new thing with these ships are they have 2 turrets each these turrets are exactly the same as the gatling guns the banditto bases where protected with, just shoot the turrets and they'll explode just like the gatling guns and 1 enemy aircraft carrier dont worry you wont be chased around by other ships this one also has two turrets the only difference between it and the normal ships are this one is larger and it takes 4 torpedos to kill instead of 2 and after some time most likely after you've finished this wave another sub will show up you know what to do next up is the last wave made up of 4 normal ships the difference now is they only have one turret instead of two the difference is that instead of gatling guns these guys have rocket launchers and 1 battleship now the battle ship has 3 rocket launchers but intead of shooting at you he uses them on your carrier and 1 gatling gun aiming at you that and the biggest anoyance in this minigame the killer monkeys these are monkeys on jetpack with machine guns and they're all after you so deal with them as fast as you can and the battleship itself needs 3 torpedoes to go down, so this wraps up torpedo run my favorite part of the game by far.
an last but not least, x: its the final boss i wont spoil this
gameplay 4/5
fun and features: this section will cover how fun this game is and the rest of the game
hi score: do i have to explain this?
options: no need here either
special: this is where the awesomeness tops you have a cutscene gallery i like it when a game does this plus beat adventure mode and you get the jukebox containing all the level themes and the games main theme beat adventure mode with another and you get jukebox 2 a vocal soundtrack containing some other cool songs
now for the fun(ny) factor this game is not too story driven more comedy driven i will talk about the character's in a later blog (shameless plug) so fun and features: 4/4
final score: 9/10