This game is the first game for iOS where you spearfish by holding your breath, no scuba in this one. If you blackout the game will lock you out for 3 minutes( 1 minute in upcoming update). This makes the gameplay very exciting and challenging. You start with 10 seconds of lung capacity and the capacity goes up every time your player levels up, which is done by hunting fish. You also unlock new deeper and more challenging environments and new gear as the player levels up or complete killing chains which is achieve by shooting fish without missing.
IMPORTANT! go through the tutorial first, because in the current version the buttons for diving and swimming are above the shooting and thumbstick buttons and the are hidden ( this button will be visible in the next update by request of the players). The game is updating all the time adding new features or making adjustments to the game based on player's feedback.
This game is the closest thing to real life spearfishing you will find on iOS. It is fun and challenging at the same time.