Buy this game its Awesome!
User Rating: 10 | Freedom Fighters PS2
This is a great game anyone with a copy should pick this up! Its fun and has easy squad commands, never repetetive and has a great campain. And the multiplayer is great too! It is always hold the flag where you try and hoist your countries flag and keep it there for the time you chose in the setup and whoever does wins OR you could jus fight your friend until you don't want to anymore and not worry about the flag. Either way its really fun and there are always four bases you can capture once you do your countrie's fighters will apear so you can take control of them and use 'em just like in single player. one thing that was also cool are the cheats you can find for it. There is a cheat for almost anything! You'll have to earn your squad though, you get them in your 3rd or 4th mision and by helping people and doing extra things in missions you raise your charisma level which allows you to control more squad mates. Once you unlock them though, during missions you will have to find them. They usually stay in dark alleys and for light they have a barrel that they catch on fire to see so if you can find this game, buy it!