This game is one of the best shoters on the PS2.

User Rating: 9.8 | Freedom Fighters PS2
I love this game in so many ways so I'll just list the best parts.

1.The action-The action is so satisfying and fun that you can't help but love it. Once you get into a firefight...once you fire the first shot at a group of enemies, there is no turning back. Your enemies will follow your squad and won't stop shooting at you until one you is dead.

2.The A.I.- As I said before your enemies are smart. So smart that no mission plays out the same. If you use different tactics in a mission the enemies will think and react to a degree where it feels like each kill was earned through smart tactics and use of cover. Speaking of cover both your enemies and your allies will use cover effectively whenever possible.

3.The squad dynamics- Squad control is simple. You use 3 of the face buttons to control your squad. There are 3 commands defend, go in the direction you're pointing to, and follow. But they work amazingly well. Your squad does whatever you tell them to and they do it amazingly. Your squad has more health and better accuracy than you or your enemies so two guys tend to mop the floor when up against a few soldiers at once. But if you send them up against a mounted machine gun they'll be killed easily. So your gonna have to think up your own stradegies to get past it.

4.The premise- It may not be entirely original the premise is both intresting and fun. The opening sequece always sends a chill down my spine and is great. In conclusion you must get this game. Especially if your a fan of shooters. You won't be dissapointed.