Taking back NY with your squad is a fun.. but short experience!
The game offers excellent 3rd-person squad-based combat in which you'll have to take out several things (heliport, towers etc.), take over key buildings & rescue some of your friends. The first few missions will mostly be solo or with one or 2 followers. As you get further along the game you get charisma points that will augment the number of people following you. The more people you can command the easier the missions will become... most missions will require you to send in your troops to defend a certain location, take out a certain pack of enemies, give you cover while you place C4s or simply follow you as you advance. Giving orders to your squad members is surprisingly easy and the AI is, for the most part, rather excellent. The missions aren't really that diverse but the game is really addictive and there's a lot of different paths or tactics you can use to attain your objective. The sewer save system is also excellent, you won't be able to save anytime you want, but that would make this game ridiculously easy. The graphics are cartoony and what the character model lacks in polygons the game makes up by placing a lot of soldiers on the screen at the same time. Sometimes you'll have 10 followers helping you fighting 15 to 20 soviets... and that's without a drop of framerate.
The music is very low-key and it only picks up when you complete certain objectives. All the weapons sound cool and the voice-overs are really good.
You will have to rely on your squad member if you wish to advance in the game. All of your weapons are wildly inaccurate (except for the sniper rifle) so you'll have to rely on the firepower of your team. I find that the game is extremely short and i was able to finish it in a couple of sittings, it doesn't really matter because you can probably find this game really cheap and it's extremely fun.
I recommend this game to anyone who wants to try a great squad based game. I can't wait for the sequel which seems to be in the making as of now.