Grabs you and holds you until you send the Russians packing.
It's the gameplay that makes it enjoyable. Running through the streets of New York, packed full of invaders was a refreshing experience. I've always been partial to FPS, and I do believe that Freedom Fighters is the ONLY third person shooter which I've really enjoyed to date. Bungie's ONI was a lot of fun, but this game was amazing on its own. If you're looking for somewhere to start with TPS's, Freedom Fighters is my recommendation.
Running through the warehouses with a pump-action shotgun, mowing down soldiers was extremely satisfying. Not only that, we all know that rag-doll physics are a great deal of fun. In Freedom Fighters, it's an all-out warzone. Sure, Far Cry, you can keep your great graphics, but it's only a one-man show. Russians and Fighters engaging on the streets... I'm telling you, destroying an abandoned taxi which a squad of Russians are taking cover behind, then watching them fly in every direction makes you feel that much better.
The sound is the highest point in the game, in my book. The very "European" style chorale is just phenomenal to listen to. Every weapon sound is powerful, save for the machine gun-- but that doesn't bother me too much. The only thing I need to minus for Freedom Fighters is that the PC version contains no multiplayer. The graphics aren't bad, and are probably outdone by newer games today, but its cartoonish feel fits almost perfectly.
So, if you're looking for a weekend of good gaming and have maybe $20 to spare, I'd recommend the "Best of EA" package, which includes this, Black and White (another amazing game), Allied Assault (Best Medal of Honor, I think), and Return of the King (a fun action game). I personally bought the package for Allied Assault, and I'd heard Black and White was an excellent game. And I'm happy with my purchase with Freedom Fighters.