Freedom Fighters is a great game. It has one of the best story modes I have ever played with terrific animations and graphics. Beyond that, the multiplayer action is fun and addicting, and the gameplay is good and fairly easy to learn. There are very few weaknesses to this game. Freedom Fighters does not support online play which would be nice, but this game is one that you would want to play sitting in the same room as your friends. It is action packed and the difficulty is just right, making this game just that much better. I know I have really enjoyed this game and my friends love to play it too when they come over, and I really recommend this game if you are looking for a historical, yet fictional First Person Shooter. It is the type of "against all odds" game and the completion of the story mode is a great feeling. I can not recommend this game more.
I like this game. A lot. Plot -not to get too political, but the story in Freedom Fighters could've happened (or could, maybe). Probably not exactly like the game (because the main character is a freaking plumber)... Read Full Review
When first looking at this game, i did not like the whole squad absed action aspect. I preferred being the one person who was awesome enough to destrot my foes. Regardless i picked this game up. I found the game play ... Read Full Review