Freedom Force strikes again!!!
These drawn -to-life comic book characters you control have their own tastes and dislikes, weaknesses and resistances, mannerisms and accents and many more.
You have the freedom, prior to the game title, to choose the superheroes you wish to control in missions. Because of this, you can freely choose your all time favorite characters or by simply doing some free its-up-to-you strategy for the upcoming hot battle. You have a lot of options. For instance, you can try an all-out powerhouse team, enlisting only those muscular guys in your squad or choosing whom to bring with you wisely, combining their powers, attributes, and other complex strategic stuffs.
Environments can also be tampered with. You can go around fountains and make some killer gorillas chase you till noon, fly to high places to avoid showers of bullets, and many more. Sometime your opponent does the same to you!!! And what do we do to mimicking joes like 'em?? Kill 'em of course!! Throw them a garbage can or smack them with a traffic light!! It's all up to you.
This game is a combination of humor, action, and strategy. But if you ask me, it's just PURE FUN!!! So go out there and buy this title cause its not that expensive and definitely worth the bucks you spent.