This title should have had a much better engine....this game is completely like it's predecessor.....which is a good thing if you loved freedom force..."I did". "DID" I still don't like the camera angle...and now it doesnt zoom as close as the would be nice to see at eye level....not the ground by your feet.....I feel like I'm literally looking over the game.....again, which can be cool....but it's not. The story and gameplay is fun and boring, the graphics are mediocre, the cartoon clips are nice still, sound is ok....actors are still funny. I feel bad cause I loved this game when it came out....and I still own almost every Marvel mesh and skin that was made.....but it's just too "no pun intended" DE-JA-VU for a game that came out some time ago. I still recommend this to freedom fanz, and strategy fans.......for FREEDOM!
Other Helpful Reviews for Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich
Irrational Games has done a great job on Freedom Force Vs the Third Reich, the sequel to the original smash hit. This game has a blend of strategy and role playing with a great presentation and story that wraps up the p... Read Full Review
If you played Freedom Force then you´ve seen practically all about this game in the matters of graphics, sounds, and gameplay... however, FF 2 has some improvements that combined with its great (but very short) story, ma... Read Full Review