Freedom Force is just a guilty pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. It's a fun game to dabble with, unfortunately after
The story reminded me a lot of the Dark Phoenix Saga or the Demon Queen one from the X-Men comic books and as such the game was a joy to play. The ending was a cliff hanger, and while I usually despise cliff hangers, I know that they're at least thinking of making a Freedom Force 3.
The graphics were a little better than the previous game's. All I can say is that they were much crisper. The addition of more particle effects and more realistic looking fire was also a plus. It's not the most visually stunning game, but I think the developers weren't aiming for that, instead we are given a graphics engine that perfectly adequate for this game.
Sound wise this game is campy, REAL campy. Some of the voices just register far off the cheese meter. It was probably the developer's intention but some of the voices become annoying after awhile, especially that used car commercial imitator, Mentor. Most of the effect sound like they were reused from the first game, just made to be a little tweaked to sounds clearer.
The gameplay didn't change a bit. There were new powers that weren't previously seen before, but that's nothing to rant and rave about. I guess if it's not broke, don't fix it. However, I would have liked to see more innovation and creativity put into this game.
Freedom Force is just a guilty pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. It's a fun game to dabble with, unfortunately after the single player is done, there's really no reason to go back.