A must play for comic book lovers.
The original FF had a comic book sort of styling that was really appealing. They have brought back the same engine for FFVTTR and spruced it up a bit with new lighting and shadow effects. Though the engine is getting a bit dated, the game still looks pretty. Another plus to this is the system requirements are very low, so you don't need a gaming computer to run this. One of the major graphical bugs I found was with the first level cut scene when I was playing on my laptop. There is a wavy effect that many computers cannot handle and the end result is a blank screen with the some of the control animations. They have yet to release a patch for this.
Gameplay has not changed much since the original FF. You still have the same basic and enjoyable combat system from the last game. There are a whole bunch of new playable characters and a quirky, enjoyable story that comic lovers will appreciate the most. I won't spoil it, but I will say this game has you fighting characters from the previous games and travelling back in time to WWII. This game shows a great sense of humour, with its quirky characters and their sayings, showing roots back to the golden age of comics. In truth, many don't play this game for the graphics, but for the great story and cast of characters. But thats why this game caters to a very small market, and hasn't gotten much recognition throughout the years. This is one of the many videogame gems out there.
FFVTTR does not bring much to the table in multiplayer. It has your standard modes(deathmatch) and can be entertaining. But don't expect to find a plethora of people to be playing this game. I was lucky if I found 2 or 3 people to play with. But like I said, this game caters to a very small market.
Bottom Line
FFVTTR lives up to its predecessor and surpasses it in many ways. It has a great story and a cast of characters like no other game i've seen. The graphics aren't that great, but HEY! who cares!! I really enjoyed this game and if your a comic book lover, you will too.