Kickin it old school
User Rating: 8.5 | Freedom Force PC
First off I should say that I boughtthis game on steam for like $2. But did I need a new game that day? Yes. And did I get my money's worth? Hell yes, And then some. It;s like an RPG set in the golden age of comics where you can develop teammates and combine heros with verious powersets in different combos. But the harder end levels, make it play more like a RTS level where you have to make attacks on the right enemies at the right time in order to survive. Timemaster, the final boss is particularly tough, but it's worth playing right through to the end. But it's the cool comic stylistic cut scenes and the old school voicovers that make the game a classic. It may be a bit cheesy to go into the 1950's style skinny kid who used to get sand kicked in his face at the beach but then gets bit by a radioactive alien ant and turns into a super hero. It's like Archie comics if jughead eats a magic hamburger and beats up Moose and Reggie for looking at Betty the wrong way. But still ... It's worth $2.