Great concept, storyline, and graphics, but missed the mark slightly in gameplay.
For one, throwing objects doesn't seem to be very effective, and comes off more as gimmicky than useful. Throwing 220-pound objects at ordinary street thugs barely makes them flinch, and does minimal damage. Throwing larger objects like explosive tanks will do some lethal damage - if they explode, but if it just hits them it does little damage, occasionally knocking them over. Throwing boxes of TNT proved counter-active, as the box would bounce off the enemy, come crashing back at you and explode, costing you huge amounts of energy. I blew out the side of a building with a thug standing on top, and watched the criminal fall 5 stories, take 0 damage, and get right up and start beating me with a bat. All the while trying to micromanage my useless 2nd hero who could barely pick up a box.
I'm not sure why, but half the time if you send a hero to go melee attack a guy, they'll hit them once, then stand there doing nothing while getting their face beaten in. You have to go re-select the hero, right-click on the same bad guy, and select the fight command again. Left-clicking seemed to do nothing all this time. All the while trying to micro-manage your other superhero who's getting caught in the same flaws. And yes, this is the Beta 1.3 patch.
For some reason it doesn't appear the developers put a bounding box around anything, which means your mouse pointer has to be directly on a polygon of an object or character you're trying to select. This means you'll tell a character to go attack a guy, then go try to click your other hero, miss because he's obscured by a rock he's holding, or a tree, or just walks out of clicking distance, and inadvertantly tell your first hero to walk towards the spot you just clicked. This game is loud and boisterous and action packed, and I don't expect to take careful consideration into every single mouse click when doing simple things like attacking a group of enemies. I almost would have preferred to have it be turn based; at least I'll know I made the right move, and the system will actually perform it.
This game is fairly difficult as well. Besides the little glitches, these super-heroes aren't very defensively strong, and your energy gets wittled down quickly. Considering how scarce energy-regeneration pills are in the level, it would have been nice to have them spontaneously regenerate energy. I mean, they are superheroes, right? They've been exposed to Energy X, which makes them younger and stronger and more powerful. Why is it a bunch of thugs can have tables and boulders and water tanks slung at them repetitively without hardly flinching, when all it takes is a full clip of ammo to take out your superhero? Who's the superheroes here? Sure, it's fun to blast somebody with "Tongue of Flames" or "Minute Missile", but not when you're doing it most of the time!! The only attacks in this game that are useful seem to be up-close melee attacks and long-range special superhero attacks. This turns the game into more of a tactical-strategic-planning game than it needs to be, and subtracts the smash-em-up fun of it.
Aside from the grievances with the interface and shattered expectations, what kept me coming back for a while was the over-the-top storyline and the extremely hilarious things you could do with the environment's architecture. Pick up a street lamp pole, and smash that water-pump station into rubble. Throw that taxi down a street, and watch it bounce off every object, causing people to scream and other objects to break apart. This alone is entertaining enough, but usually doesn't execute very well as your heroes aren't smart enough to realize there's an obstruction, and will end up bouncing it off a building or just whatever is in the way, sometimes causing damage to yourself.
Oh well, enough bad talk. If you like comic books, RPGs, and nice graphics, this one is right up your alley.