A Universe of non stop action that no other game in its genre can even come close too...
The story is very good allowing the single player to come to life, with some of the hardest missions you will find to keep the game fresh and challenging so you never get to bored. While some of the side missions will feel a little similar, you will never get too tired of doing these until the big missions come along to push along the main story of the game in which you must fight your own people and a deadly alien force known as the Nomad.
The gameplay while simple, still requires skill and with solid sounds and nice graphics even for gaming standards 4 years after it was release. The voice acting in top notch and even has a few well known actors in it like George Takei from STAR TREK and John Rhys Davies from Sliders & Lord of the Rings.
The value of the game is a major strength in the game, as when you finish the single player story, you can then carry on and explore the rest of the systems and get new ships, new jobs and make your own life in this virtual world. You can be a pirate, smuggler, Trader or Hero with only a small number of places that you cannot get to so the universe gets even bigger from what you could do before.
You can even go online and make your way in this virtual universe against other people plus there are tons of mods for people to play too, both online and on your own.
My only real complaints are sometimes the navy and police don't do a good job of keeping order which leads too sometimes, one to many attacks from pirates & criminals when your going around the systems. Also sometimes in big battles, the AI seems to only target you especially in the final missions which can become annoying and frustrating.