This is a great game!! lots of mods if you get tired of the original!!! and now i have edited and deleated some stuff...

User Rating: 10 | Freelancer PC
This is a mixed game of action, strategy and adventure! you better try this game or il kick your butt!!:) it may not look great after viewing the images but once you tried it you must buy it!!!:)

The best mod ever..... The Phoenix RPG server!!!!!!!!!


800 to 815 AS. Just a short fifteen years.

A lot can happen in fifteen years.

Destruction of Freeport Seven by means still not known.

Invasion of Sirius by an alien species, the nature of which is still known only to a select few, bringing the colonies to the brink of all out-war.

Revolution in Rheinland immediately after the death of Chancellor Niemann.

The Kusari government weakened after years of fruitless battle with Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums.

... and a breakaway movement from the Outcasts and Corsairs, the Hispania Liberation Front.

815 AS marks another year of hard work for some Sirians, and struggle for others. Even as Liberty and Bretonia continue to be icons of stability and prosperity, Rheinland's economy is still precarious, recovering from mismanagement and neglect. Its government contends with Red Hessians which did not join with the Bundschuh, LWB and Unioners in the rebellion to depose the old government. Kusari plays a waiting game. The Shogun has been in power for twenty years and there is no clear successor. The Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums eagerly await the day he dies.

And in the Omicron systems, the Outcasts and Corsairs are in a full-scale civil war with the Hispania Liberation Front, a group composed of members of both peoples who no longer want to engage in criminal activity and piracy, and agitate for legal recognition of a House of Hispania. They occupy a strange no-man's-land, not officially recognized by either the four Houses, nor the Elders of Crete or the Dons of Malta. The breakthrough by Cryer Pharmaceuticals, rumored to be a Cardamine substitute, has not yet been made official. So Outcast and Corsair loyalist factions fight pitched battles with equally-committed HLF members, while the Houses watch largely from the sidelines. Order, never very much a strong point in the Omicrons, is breaking down as the Elders and Dons no longer maintain absolute unquestioned power over all their people. As a result, the Corsairs and Outcasts have been forced to pull units back towards their home systems in the Omicrons, which are now the front lines in the civil war. The Corsairs have all but withdrawn from the attempted invasion of Bretonia, and as such, the Mollys now have much more freedom than they previously enjoyed, now being the largest Bretonian pirate organization. Similarly, the Outcasts have withdrawn from Liberty, Kusari, and Bretonia space, and their allies; the Rogues, Hackers, and Golden Chrysanthemums, are now dealing with their own internal issues as the sudden lack of the addictive cardamine has weakened them.

Once the floodgates were cracked open just a little bit by people who questioned the status quo, the torrent was not long in following as many others who had harbored misgivings about dealing in drugs for enrichment at the expense of thousands of innocents, or committing acts of piracy and theft to fuel an insane plan to take over Rheinland's star systems, finally found an outlet for those misgivings among people who had seen another way, a better one - and took it.

This is still Sirius, where freelancers still make money. But the winds of change are beginning to upset old friendships and alliances, and enterprising people know that to ride these winds can mean success and wealth, or failure and an escape pod.

This is Phoenix, where a nation will rise again after eight hundred years.

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