Classic space combat awesomeness.

User Rating: 9.4 | Freelancer PC
I was a HUGE fan of Chris Roberts and Wing Commander back in the day. I loved the books and everything. The whole space sim genre just rocked. Tie Fighter was another great classic. I also loved some of the old resource space resource management games like Master of Orion and Accendancy. I don't have a LOT of patience for them though, I don't like to micro manage TONS of stuff, but customizing and building a fleet in a sci-fi universe was great. Games like Starflight from WAY back in the day fascinate me. I like this rogue starship exploration stuff with the RPG aspects mixed in. Why aren't there more games like this?

So then near the end of Wing Commander's life, there was a game called Privateer, also by Chris Roberts. This seemed to be the perfect mesh of all of the above. I get to customize my ship, and blow s%@# up while bouncing around the universe playing at whatever I want to be: rogue, pirate, bounty hunter, or whatever. I loved it. They made a sequel, but that's all she wrote. They just don't make games like this. They don't even make space shooters much anymore. It even seems hard to find a decent sci-fi RPG. Sci-fi and first person shooters have become inseparable, and I think it's annoying sometimes. Loved Planet's Edge and gold box Buck Roger's from SSI, but no such luck today.

There have been a few stabs. There are space combat-esque games out there, but they feel too console arcadish. They don't have the same flight stick action I loved from Wing Commander and X-Wing/Tie Fighter. There was also Homeworld. I've gotten tired of crazy resource management games over the years though. I don't want THAT much to think about. I don't want a real time strategy game from a first person perspective.

I always check these games though, just hoping it will fit the bill. I was hooked five minutes into the demo. I miss the flight stick action, but it's ok, it has that old school feel, with the RPG aspects all there. The graphics are a bit sucky, but it really plays great, even with the mouse. The biggest problem is that it WAS supposed to be a massive multiplayer game, and you can feel the holes. There are moments where you feel like there is this big universe, that isn't actually that big, because you don't have any good reason to go explore the edges of it. I did like the plot too. It wasn't GREAT, but it was fun. It built up well and had a big finish. Y'all might think it's a little cheesy, but it felt like an epic sci-fi ending and I liked it.

If you like old school space fighters, play this game. If you just like sci-fi and RPG stuff, and want something a little different, you should also play this. If you just want a fun game, this costs about $10 most places now, and it's still great to play. Go get it, and enjoy.